9 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Sofa

A sofa is made up of many different parts. And all these different parts can vary from sofa to sofa, giving Each a distinct appearance. Do you understand how to recognize each one? It helps to understand so that you can describe The sofa you want to a salesperson or designer. Sofa Arms English arms: These low sofa arms are set back from the front edge of the seat. Low profile and suitable if you prefer to take naps on your sofa. They are also good for small spaces as they Do not project beyond the body of the sofa. Lawson arms: A low profile, modestly scaled version of the rolled arm. the arm. Rolled arms: A very common standard shape for sofa arms, a rolled arm curves outward. Although comfortable for lounging and reading, rolled arms do take up extra space, so take them into account Square arms: Also called box arms. lines and angles. These are useful for when you entertain, as they may serve as seats. However, they are Tuxedo arms: Tuxedo arms are slightly flared arms that have th...